One year until GSSE 2015
01.06.2014 08:49

Today one year remains until the GSSE 2015 begins. The Games will take place in Iceland´s capital, Reykjavik, from 1.- 6. of June. For the occasion one more photo in the ‟Natural Power“ sequence will be published along with interviews with the five athletes posing in the photos. The interviews will appear here on the website under ‟Natural Power“. The photo chosen when there is one year until the Games is a photo showing the golfer Anna Sólveig Snorradóttir hitting a golfball into a geyser. The photo is taken at a boiling mudpot in the geothermal area Krýsuvík. The reason this photo was chosen is that next summer Golf will be played for the first time at the GSSE.