One month until GSSE 2015

Today one month remains until the Opening Ceremony of the GSSE 2015, which takes place in Reykjavik 1- 6 June. To mark the occasion, the final photo of Icelandic athletes is published. This time, the athletes are posing in down town Reykjavik. All of the athletes in the picture have their own natural power photo in the photo sequence "Natural Power". The photos and interviews with the athletes can be seen on the Games´ website under "Natural Power". You can follow the athletes on their way to the games on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Now, when only one month remains until the GSSE 2015 the Organizing Committee, the staff and others working on the event, meet regularly and go over various issues related to the Games. Volunteers have already begun working, reviewing the medals, counting badges and pens, assisting other volunteers with clothes fitting, putting large amount of boxes in storage and so much more. Blossi, the Games´ mascot has been really active meeting students near Reykjavik, meeting the volunteers in basic training and appearing at various sporting events.
Everyone here looks forward to the Games. We look forward to see you in one month.
The Games Facebook site is GSSE2015
#GSSE2015 # Smáþjóðaleikarnir2015 #Blossi