Icelandic participants meet

The first meeting of the Icelandic participants at the GSSE 2015 took place last friday.
The federations have already submitted competitor lists for the Games. In basketball and volleyball other rules apply and only the training groups have been presented. A choice of twelve competitors of each sex is not available until shortly before the Games.
Before the formal meeting began, participants were given the opportunity to try on the clothing they will wear during the Games. The formal program began with the Project Manager of the GSSE 2015, Óskar Örn Guðbrandsson, talking about various matters concerning the Games. Garðar Svansson, the Chef de Mission, showed the group where they will have a place to stay during daytime, and that will be at the same building as the NOC Office is.
After the meeting the group was invited to enjoy team building and then dinner at Cafe easy.
This first meeting of the Icelandic participants was a great success and it is obvious that the Icelandic athletes are excited to participate on home soil.