Second day of Competition

The second day of competition starts at 9 with Shooting Competition at Hátún Sports Hall and Golf Competition at Korpa Golf Course. This is the first day of the Golf Competition.
Preliminaries in swimming start at 10 in Laugardalslaug Aquatic Center and finals at 17:30.
Tennis Competition starts at 10 at Tennishöll Kópavogs Tennishall, and finishes at 18.
Many Beach-Volleyball Games will be played today, hopefully in a better weather than yesterday, from 12. Last Game is Women´s, at 17:30 between Iceland and Cyprus.
Gymnastics Competition starts at 16 at Laugaból Ármann Gymnastic Hall.
Table-Tennis starts at 13 in TBR Badminton Hall.
Volleyball Competition starts at 13 in Laugardalshöll Sports Hall. Four Games will be played today.
For further information see the program
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